
About Me

The first things anyone should know about me? I love to cook (and eat), I love to read I love to write, I love to travel and I love to drink tea (I have been asked if I am a tea addict. No, I only have about 3 cups a day!). Having done my MBA and the corporate jingbang for a year, I decided it was not for me. So I quit and completed my Masters in Psychology. Due to a love for food, "geek" level of knowledge about food, creativity to try new things in a kitchen and a sensitive tongue that demands good food, I started blogging about food in 2012 and have been going on since. I am hoping to be a published author someday. On a personal note, I recently married one of my best friends. Whatever time I have left over from reading and writing about food, I devote to being an apprentice homemaker.

"Salt and Pepper (With a Lot of Spice)!" is my food blog that covers recipes, food facts and thoughts, and food memoirs. 

Salt and Pepper (With a Lot of Spice!) is an effort of love. My fascination for cooking began because of my granny’s influence. She was a rockstar in the kitchen creating the most delectable dishes and trying out new dishes and cuisines even at the age of 55! I also learn cooking from whomever I meet; my grandmother, my neighbours, my friends and their mothers. If there is a dish they have made and I have liked, I ask for the recipe and tend to try it immediately for myself. If I go to a restaurant and there is a dish I like, I will try to break down the recipe by the flavours I get in my mouth and try recreating it at home.

I am a great fan of Indian food and love discovering the range of traditions in techniques, spices, ingredients and dishes that no country but ours can boast of. I also like to cook and eat Italian food, Chinese food (or rather Indian version of Chinese), Thai food, Vietnamese food, Lebanese food and Continental food. I also like searching for new cuisines and trying out dishes from them in my kitchen. When cooking these dishes, I do try to make them a little Indianised to suit our palate. Especially if I do not get the original ingredients, I do try to make them from ingredients available in an Indian kitchen and try to make them as close to the original flavor as possible.